Friday, April 15, 2011

What's Old is made Like New.....then we make it Old again

In addition to restoring bodies, chassis, mechanical systems and interiors we also have to restore a car's accessories. For pre-war cars (and some post-war models) this includes various tools, jacks, hand pumps, oilers, cranks and other items. For the 1938 HRG Coupe we have accumulated a very thorough set of period correct accessories but, as can be expected, many of them are well used and in need of cleaning and repair. It is very tempting to restore these to "like new" condition however, for this car, we decided to go for a more "aged" appearance. To get the look we wanted, we first made the pieces look "new" and then treated them and rubbed them with various treatments to achive the correct patina. This picture shows the bottom and top caps of a Lucas spare light bulb holder. The cap on the left has been straightened, cleaned and polished. The same was done to the cap on the right however, the next step was to gently "age" the piece to the level we want. We're very pleased with the result and the entire kit of tools and accessories will share a similar look. For questions about the process, please feel free to send us an email at

Monday, April 4, 2011

No Fooling - Bad News Travels Fast

Today we got an email alerting us about a hoax email/posting that was going around regarding efforts to draft federal legislation to tax collector cars. It seems some folks thought it would make a dandy April Fools joke to inform the members of their car club about a New York Times article concerning the coming tax. It was a total fabrication, but in today's world of instant panic followed by instant "sharing", it soon went viral on the internet. The group that sent the original message has admitted to starting the whole thing as an innocent prank. They probably should not be surprised that it got out of control. It's easy to ask "what were they thinking?" and it's hard to know for certain how something will be received, but it's a pretty good bet that good or bad, the news will get passed on....and sooner rather than later. On a lighter note.....Spring is finally here (sort of) and it will soon be time to get those Collector Cars out of the garage. See you on the road!